Saturday, September 26, 2015

Accessorizing Tips and Tricks

The best way to finish up your look is definitely with some accessories, but not everyone knows how to make all those little things work correctly to make a desired well-put together look. It is not that hard, if you know the basic rules. Bellow you will find them, read it carefully and be sure to look amazing with all accessories you wear! 

Don’t overdo
Everything works if that is balanced perfectly and hits the golden middle. The same rules work with accessorizing too. The worst way to accessorize is to completely overdo it by putting way too many pieces on you. If you like accessorizing with the trendy layers of jewelry, be sure you stick with one main layering area. Always be sure to use no more than three different accessories. For instance, a ring, a bracelet, and earrings. That’s it.

Wear statement pieces for special occasions
It might be fun to wear one huge necklace or a pair of outstanding earring for work, but that is not really appropriate. Better leave those statement pieces for more special occasions or for going out with your friends. It will certainly let your look be unique and draw attention to the parts of your body you wish. But always remember the first rule and don’t overdo it. Wear only that one statement piece and add another much “quieter” piece to it. For instance – big earrings and one medium size ring. You will look perfect for sure.

Think about outfit while accessorizing
This shouldn’t even be on a list, but many women tend to forget about it. If you dress is already full of sequence, better reconsider if you want to add more accessories to it. On the other hand, if your outfit is plain and neutral, some bright and fun accessories can live it up. Just try to balance all the sparkle and shimmer and you will always look like a million bucks.

Invest in fine accessories
Some great accessories which you love a lot can work for you for many years. To make that happen you should definitely invest in it more, to get the best quality and the chance to wear it for a surprisingly long time. Just look for great stores so you know you will get quality items. 

Don’t over match
Finally, when trying to accessorize your outfit perfectly, forget about an ancient old rule to only use accessories that is the exact color as the clothing. That really doesn’t work at these modern days. Contrasting or darker or whiter toning is definitely more modern. For instance, if you are wearing a bright red dress, pull burgundy shoes and add bright blue purse. It will look very expensive and well put together since it creates an interesting look. Don’t over match with colors and you will be ok.

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