Here is an easy trick to get chevron nails with supplies you may already have in your craft drawer. I love using things I have around the house off other purposes. These zig zag craft scissors are a perfect way to make a chevron nail template.
To make this nail pattern all you are going to need is zigzag or pinking shears. In case you aren't familiar with the term pinking shears are scissors that you use to cut fabric in a zig zag manner so it doesn't fray. |
Cut tape with sissors to make zig zag shape. I used painters tape, but you can use scotch tape too. |
Paint your nails with the under coat and let completely dry. Place your chevron pattern stickers on nails. |
Here is a handy trick that I learned when painting my walls with stripes. Before you paint on your color, paint on a thin layer of clear or the same color as your base coat. This will prevent the color from seeping though the tape. Then paint your color pattern on. |
I added some glitter to the chevron polish, but you can just leave it as is. |