Monday, August 12, 2013

Activated Carbon as a Room Deodorizer

I saw an episode of Food Detectives a while back where Ted Allen mentioned that the best way to remove refrigerator odor was activated carbon.  This was supposedly better than baking soda.  Activated carbon can be found at the local pet supply store in the fish area.  I decided to give try this in our bathrooms.  But instead of just putting a cupful out I put it in a mason jar and punched holes with our monogram in it, just to make it look more decorative.

Here is the Food Detectives episode:

Don't mask odors with air fresheners, remove them.  Activated carbon found at the pet supply store.

Cut out two circles from white paper. Trace out monogram for lid of mason jar.  

Using a pin push small holes.  Remove top paper template.

Removes odor better than baking soda.

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